Friday, August 10, 2012

"I swam to Mexico!"

This was Jonas' big announcement as we walk into the Park Headquarters in big bend NP. It's true! Jonas swam across the Rio Grande and stood on the other side. [For those of you who don't know your geography, that's the river that separates Texas & Mexico.] Alea & Anissa just waded in a ways, but we had put Jonas' trunks on because we know how he is: if he gets a toe wet, he ends up dunking his whole head! (He's all or nothing when it comes to water). So sure enough, there he went doggy paddling across the muddy river. It was at a very narrow point coming out of the canyon, and there was no official border crossing or any form of patrol, but the park ranger told him he shouldn't have done that because technically they could deny him entrance back into the country! Before 9/11 it used to be no big deal she said, but now they get really picky about all that. Oops! We can just hear him on the first day of school during the "what did you do this summer?" sharing time. "I went swimming in my cousin's pool!" "That's nothing, I swam all the way to Mexico!" ;)

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