Saturday, June 16, 2012

Contest #2

Joey turned raw vegan a month before our trip, but has since converted back to just plain vegetarian. Thank goodness for can be found in even the smallest of towns in the middle of nowhere! Little known fact: there are now more Subway restaurants in the USA than McDonalds! So Joey is going to be living off their veggie subs all summer (that and any farmers markets or roadside stands we can find along the way). The contest is to guess how many veggie subs he will eat total during our 10 week trip. [Hint: so far it's been 6 days and he's eaten 4]. When you are calculating, keep in mind that we'll be staying with some friends and family along the way, a full week in Oregon with family, and there are no Subways in Nat Parks ;)
The winner of this card will get a gift card to, you guessed it, Subway! You may start sending in your guesses any time between now and the end of the trip.
[Note: last year with our Africa blog people had trouble posting comments, so if that happens again you can send your guesses for all the contests to:]

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